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Going My Way?

Wending a Way Through the Stumbling Blocks between Georgism and Catholicism

This essay surveys the issues between Georgists and Roman Catholics in three classes: issues that are not peculiarly Roman Catholic (RC) but play out across faiths and denominations, issues that are peculiarly RC, and points of similarity and agreement. Addressed in this fashion are . . . → Read More: Going My Way?

How Religious Awakenings Presage Radical Reforms

(Presented at History of Economics Society Annual Meeting, Syracuse, New York, June 2010)

Religious upheavals have generally preceded waves of radical reform and reaction in U. S. history, thus serving at least as leading indicators, and perhaps as causative explanations. As these waves rise and swell, crest, crash and ebb, they sweep and tumble most . . . → Read More: How Religious Awakenings Presage Radical Reforms

Henry George, Dr. Edward McGlynn & Pope Leo XIII

IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME, but often the same place (Cooper Union) in American life. No, it wasn’t radio, but the age of orators. One of the most spellbinding was Dr. Edward McGlynn; another good one was Henry George, who also wrote great books. They came together in 1886 to roil the waters of . . . → Read More: Henry George, Dr. Edward McGlynn & Pope Leo XIII