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Soil Depletion and Land Rent

This paper attempts to define land rent net of soil depletion. The paper is an outgrowth of a larger study’ of the meaning and function of land rent, and is not represented as more than a subspecialized monograph focused on its fragment of the wider topic. Some economists will challenge one or more of its . . . → Read More: Soil Depletion and Land Rent

The Benefits of Farm Programs: Incidence, Shifting, and Dissipation

I write as one who has spent half his career inside and half outside agricultural economics. That makes me less familiar than many agricultural economists with the details of farm programs, and this will be the kind of treatment where you cannot see the trees for the forest. What I had in mind when . . . → Read More: The Benefits of Farm Programs: Incidence, Shifting, and Dissipation

Containment Policies for Urban Sprawl

Why should we want to contain cities? Some agriculturalists regard the answer as too obvious to require demonstration: cities are dangerously seductive, sterile and wicked, and, like the Soviets, belong behind a Curzon Line and cordon sanitaire. The Soil Conservation Service entertains the Malthusians with endless excursions and alarums over dangerous inroads on our . . . → Read More: Containment Policies for Urban Sprawl