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Irrigation Districts and Economic Development in the San Joaquin Valley of California: The Role of Land Taxation

The rapid growth of intensive irrigated agriculture in California is one of the more striking developmental achievements of modern tines. In 1870 California was noted for its cattle, wheat, and inordinate concentration o landholding. Today the highly developed farm areas of California look to the easterner more like gardens, and more like towns than . . . → Read More: Irrigation Districts and Economic Development in the San Joaquin Valley of California: The Role of Land Taxation

Policies and Practices Affecting Urban Land Costs as an Element of Housing Costs

Land is a major cost element of urban housing. Site values of improved urban lots are about 20 percent of the total value of new single unit dwellings. However, this ratio varies significantly between neighborhoods and regional areas in the United States. For example, for the third quarter, 1967, FHA data for proposed one-family . . . → Read More: Policies and Practices Affecting Urban Land Costs as an Element of Housing Costs

Review of James Heilbrun, Real Estate Taxes and Urban Housing

Real Estate Taxes and Urban housing is a useful book on a hot subject. Dick Nctzer, in his Economics of the Properly Tax, leaned heavily on it while it was still a Ph.D. dissertation, pronouncing it “by far the best available treatment” of its subject, and citing it to support some of his policy . . . → Read More: Review of James Heilbrun, Real Estate Taxes and Urban Housing