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Henry George, Dr. Edward McGlynn & Pope Leo XIII

IT WAS A DIFFERENT TIME, but often the same place (Cooper Union) in American life. No, it wasn’t radio, but the age of orators. One of the most spellbinding was Dr. Edward McGlynn; another good one was Henry George, who also wrote great books. They came together in 1886 to roil the waters of American politics and ideology. Through the Irish and Vatican connections, they also roiled world politics and ideology.
New York: The Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 2000. Orig. a paper delivered before International Conference on Henry George, November 1, 1997, at Cooper Union, New York, Professor Edward O’Donnell, Chair. Prof. O’Donnell is to submit the assembled papers to a university press, but meantime The Foundation has published this piece separately.

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