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The Synergistic City: Its Potentials, Hindrances and Fulfillment

The object of human organization is synergy, combining parts into a whole greater than their sum. Large organizations seek synergy in hierarchy and financial controls. Cities achieve it by bringing independent actors into mutual access so they can cooperate via free contracts and association in the marketplace, in government and society. This paper purports first to show how market allocation of land operates to foster urgan synergy. It seeks to define the elements of synergy as follows. The synergistic city maximizes access to the resource features that determined the city’s location. It maximizes mutual access amon residents and visitors. It lets them share common costs. It encourages specialization. It increases competition. It maximizes options. It increases flexibility. It pools arid diversifies risks. It facilitates innovation. It nourishes and spreads information, culture, education, and discovery. It is a medium in which small businesses can flourish through mutual aid.
Real Estate Issues, J. of the American Society of Real Estate Counselors, Winter, 1978, pp. 36-61.

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